Thursday, December 10, 2009

England Here I Come! (And Jane Austen Too)

Whenever I hear the name of Jane Austen my heart skips a beat. The world stops, and my mind is overwhelmed with the thought of Austen and her novels, the nineteenth century, Regency, Mr. Darcy, Captain Wentworth, Elizabeth Bennet, Mansfield Park, the list goes on and on. I can never get enough of Jane Austen’s novels. They are timeless, they are classics, and they express the deepest and most true effusions of human emotion and the human condition. Her novels are universal. Her characters are untouchable. She has written the greatest love stories the world has ever read. Jane Austen is pop culture. We all want to be Elizabeth Bennet. Her life is a fairy tale and Mr. Darcy is the man that every woman wants. But Pride and Prejudice is more than that. It is a story of wit and true human emotions. Elizabeth Bennet isn’t perfect and neither is Mr. Darcy. But they recognize their faults. They come to the realization that they love one another. They see past their prejudices and overcome their pride. Society cannot control their love, and their love for one another transcends the hierarchy of society and societal norms. Their love is a meeting of the minds. A special connection where there is a complete understanding of one another. This is the love that Jane Austen left for us. It is her legacy.I am going to England in one month, and I will be fast on the trail of Jane Austen and her world. I am out to discover who Jane Austen was, and who she has become in today’s world. Her novels have led me on the discovery of a life time.

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