Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Jane Austen Centre in Bath

Jane Austen Centre

The Jane Austen Centre in Bath is a quaint and beautiful museum that preserves the memory of Bath's "most famous resident."

Outside the center you are greeted by Jane Austen herself... Well a mannequin of "Austen", but either way, the Austen look alike provides a great photo opp.

Upon entering the Jane Austen Centre you are greeted by Mr. Darcy (a.k.a. Colin Firth), which is very fitting and most definitely sets one in an Austen mood. After ascending the staircase, lined with portraits of Austen's most famous characters, the upstairs room is filled with Austen memorabilia. The portrait of Jane Austen painted by her sister Cassandra is quaintly displayed along with regency costumes and other Austen artifacts. When upstairs, a tour guide gives an overview of Austen's life and the impact that Bath had on her.

Austen and her family moved to Bath in 1801 and lived there until 1806. Almost all of her novels mention Bath, but Austen's most famous "Bath novels" are Northanger Abbey and Persuasion.

The Jane Austen Centre also displays various exhibits throughout the year. While on my visit the exhibition being displayed were the costumes from ITV's Miss Austen Regrets. Along with the costumes were first editions of Austen's novels including a letter that Austen wrote to her sister Cassandra.

After the exhibit and the gift shop, a stop at the Tea Room, also located upstairs, was a necessity. Who could resist having tea with Mr. Darcy?

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