Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Ode to Jane Austen

I wrote this humorous poem about Jane Austen:

Ode to Jane Austen

Jane Austen,
Why did you have to die?
My world would have been so much better if you had stayed alive.
I love your books,
but you only wrote six,
But no matter, every month I need my Jane Austen fix.
How many more masterpieces would you have created,
If your body had not been earthly cremated.

Mr. Darcy is my ideal man,
and no real man can compare,
That is why I partially blame your for my loveless life and despair.
I live in your novels,
Which isn't healthy at all,
But they make me feel better when no boys come to call.

Your a genius,
it's true.
And if you were alive today,
Oh, all of the things I would love to say to you!
Come back from the dead,
Jane Austen please do!

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